Rafts by Simon Perchik
Parsifal Editions 2007
ISBN 978-0-9739960-3-6
79 Pages (paper)
$13.95 US
$16.00 CAD
Parsifal Press is pleased to announce the publication of Simon Perchik’s RAFTS.
Please visit our website for samples from the book and online purchase:
Rafts is another entry in the extraordinary lyric opus composed by Simon Perchik over the last five decades or so. Its poems of loss and learning, of mythic truths at the brink of the grave, where a reclaimed animism gives voice to stones and seas, to lonely stars and lowly bathroom faucets, make heavy narrative demands. But they gift the reader with fluent elisions into Nietzsche’s Dionysiac woods: “You can tell this sink lost interest/ though hour after hour you hum/ another love song.” -Edward Butscher
Simon Perchik, an attorney, was born 1923 in Paterson, NJ and educated at New York University (BA English, LLB Law). His poems have appeared in various literary journals including Partisan Review, Poetry, Chelsea, The Modern Review, The Nation, The New Yorker, among others.
Review copies are available upon request. Query us with your interest.
Forthcoming from Parsifal Press:
The Ballads of RASP/Elektra, drama by Josepha Gutelius, Fall 2007
Opening The Seals, poems by Robert Kelly, Winter 2007
The President In Her Towers, fiction by Tom Whalen, Spring 2008
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